Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Иркутский государственный университет" (ФГБОУ ВО "ИГУ")
Саловарова Валентина Петровна (RU),Бедулина Ирина Павловна (RU),Илющенко Татьяна Владимировна (RU),Кулишенко Юрий Леонидович (RU),Приставка Алексей Александрович (RU)
The utility model relates to the microbiological industry and is intended for the cultivation of microalgae for the purpose of conducting scientific research and use in small forms of agriculture. The microalgae growing plant has a translucent container with a lid, a frame, fluorescent lamps and a carbon dioxide cylinder, while fluorescent lamps with corner reflectors are installed on a frame with legs in lamp holders; the tank carries upper bends with gaskets, on which the cap is sealed with clamps, equipped with a working gas pressure relief valve, the tank has a lower fitting with a valve and a tube for supplying an aqueous solution of carbon dioxide installed at the bottom in washer holders; in the tank there is a mixing and collection frame for the suspension, consisting of a lower horizontal plate and three vertical tubes with a vertical plate, hermetically entering the upper horizontal tube carrying vertical and horizontal wheel pairs to move the frame; in the tank, shelves with bumpers for moving the frame and recesses for the internal suspension drain hoses are mounted above the suspension level, fixed with fittings on the upper horizontal tube of the frame and attached to the upper two-sided fittings cut into the tank wall; outside, external hoses with fittings and valves for draining the suspension are put on the upper double-sided unions with free ends; on the middle vertical tube, a ring cable and a pin are fixed with a screw holder; on the side walls of the tank installed drawers with a lid containingПолезная модель относится к микробиологической промышленности и предназначена для культивирования микроводорослей с целью проведения научных исследований и использования в малых формах сельского хозяйства.Установка для выращивания микроводорослей имеет светопроницаемую емкость с крышкой, каркас, люминесцентные лампы и углекислотный баллон, при этом люминесцентные лампы с уголковыми отражателями установлены на каркасе с ножками в держателях ламп; емкость не