Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Иркутский государственный университет" (ФГБОУ ВО "ИГУ")
Жданова Галина Олеговна (RU)
The utility model relates to the microbiological industry and agriculture and is intended for growing microalgae, used as bioactive additives in human nutrition and vitamin feeding for animals and poultry. A longline plant for growing microalgae, which includes translucent containers mounted on a metal frame one above the other, having heaters with temperature regulators and luminescent lamps located between containers, characterized in that the frame has legs and cross members for I am fixing lamps, while the number of containers is more than two, the indicated containers have external bends with sealing gaskets on top, are closed by sealed translucent covers, carry fittings with valves for filling media, fittings with valves for supplying carbon dioxide, gas valves for relieving pressure, pressure gauges gas pressure, while fluorescent lamps are installed above and below each tank; airtight box with an electric motor, electric pulleys and pulleys of containers fixed in relation to its internal space and to the adjacent transverse walls of the containers; it is fixed to the frame along the end walls of the containers; the axles of the pulleys of the containers pass through openings located above the level of the suspension in the transverse walls of the containers and bear blades of the type of plates, half immersed in the suspension; inside the box is installed the holder of the pulley of the box, consisting of a cylindrical handle and fork; wherein the handle is composite, includes a base part with an external thread and an additional part with an internal thread screwed to a certainПолезная модель относится к микробиологической промышленности и сельскому хозяйству и предназначена для выращивания микроводорослей, используемых в качестве биоактивных добавок в питании человека и витаминных подкормок для животных и птицы.Ярусная установка для выращивания микроводорослей, включающая светопроницаемые емкости, установленные на металлическом каркасе одна над другой, име