1. A method of intravenous infusion solution extracted from a flexible plastic container, where it is in a state of dynamic equilibrium with above it the oxygen containing gas, the implementation of which infusion solution discharged from the container by gravity, and under the action of the vacuum arising volume of its cavity is reduced in exact accordance with the change of volume of the solution for infusion, characterized in that a flexible plastic container, the top of which is a mixture of puss Orodes water parom.2. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that a flexible plastic container, the top of which is a mixture of oxygen, helium and water para.3. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that prior to use elastic plastic container tsentrifugiruyut.4 its contents. A solution for infusions, especially for use in the method according to Claim. 1 containing a dissolved drug and oxygen, characterized in that the concentration of dissolved oxygen is not less than 0.01 grams per liter rastvora.5. Flexible plastic container (variant 1), made in the form of a sealed package, especially for use in the method of claim 1, whose lower part is filled with a solution for infusion, and in the upper part there is an oxygen-containing gas, which is the medium acting as the protective member protects container from being destroyed during the freezing solution for infusions, characterized in that the medium that performs the function of the security element is a mixture kisloro1. Способ внутривенного вливания раствора для инфузий, извлекаемого из эластичного пластикового контейнера, где он находится в состоянии динамического равновесия с расположенным над ним кислородсодержащим газом, при осуществлении которого раствор для инфузий из контейнера выпускают самотеком, а под действием возникающего разрежения объем его полости уменьшают в точном соответствии с изменением объема раствора для инфузий, отличающийся тем, что используют эластичный пластиковый контейнер, в верхней ч