The present invention is to provide a crispy fudge, the technical method of which includes a nutrient fudge body, a nutrient layer, and a crispy layer; the nutrition fudge body includes at least a first anthocyanin agent and a second anthocyanin Agent body, lutein agent body, algae extract powder, and phospholipid serine acid agent body; accordingly, the nutrients contained in the new type are extracted from mulberry seeds, black currant, calendula, etc. , Is an important element for the balanced development of children's vision and brain development, coupled with the combination of nutrient layer and crispy skin layer, can have a multi-level feeling of hard, soft and soft in the mouth, allowing children to have the will to eat, so that they can easily add nutrition To help children maintain health to meet the needs of the health care market.本新型在於提供一種脆皮軟糖,其技術手段包括有營養軟糖體、營養素層、及脆皮層;所述營養軟糖體至少包括有第一花青素劑體、一第二花青素劑體、葉黃素劑體、藻類萃取物粉體、及磷脂醯絲胺酸劑體;據此,本新型所蘊含以山桑子、黑醋栗、金盞草等萃取的營養成分能完整保留,是對孩童視力及大腦發育均衡發展的重要元素,再加上營養素層與脆皮層的組合,能在口感上有硬中帶軟的多層次感受,讓孩童有意願食用,以便能輕鬆補充營養,助於孩童健康維持,以符合保健市場需求。