The present invention provides a method for manufacturing long-term storage fleshy fruits, fruits, vegetables, seaweeds, laminaria, lavers, and kelps, which first provides initially processed fleshy fruits, fruits, vegetables, seaweeds, laminaria, lavers, and kelps, which are then subjected to drying and afterwards soaked in a substance of acetic acid for performing a process of acetic acid soaking, and one or more times of drying and acetic acid soaking are alternately carried out if desired, to thereby produce a final product of foodstuffs or fruit preserves. The processing is carried out completely with natural substances and can effect long term storage without addition of preservatives.本發明係提供一種可長放之果實、蔬菜、海藻類之製造方法,首先備置已初步處理之果實、蔬菜、海藻類,經乾燥處理後,再浸泡於醋酸類物質中進行醋酸浸泡處理,再依所需交錯進行一次或多次乾燥、醋酸浸泡處理後,即可製成食品或蜜餞之成品;完全利用天然物質及方式處理,不必添加防腐劑即可長時間保存。10‧‧‧本發明所提供之可長放之果實、蔬菜、海藻類之製造方法之一實施例之製造流程11~15‧‧‧本發明所提供之可長放之果實、蔬菜、海藻類之製造方法之一實施例之製造步驟