A centrefilled confectionery composition comprises a centrefill componentenclosed in a confectionery shell component. At least one of the components isaerated, and the densities of the centrefill and the shell are substantiallyequal. The confectionery shell component may comprise jelly candy or hard- boiledcandy. A method of making a centrefilled confectionery composition, comprisinga centrefill enclosed in a confectionery shell, comprises preparation of firstand second syrups for forming the confectionery shell and centrefill respectively.The densities of the first and second syrups are compared, and the denser of thetwo syrups is aerated to reduce the density to a level comparable to the densityof the other syrup. The first and second syrups are then co-deposited into a mouldso that the first syrup forms a confectionery shell enclosing a centrefill formedby the second syrup.