< Topic > until recently with technology it was the solution impossible, it collapsed with the little moisture and it was produced by the dry granulation compressed method which features that rapid decay time and form of the tablet which is stabilized are kept, above hardness 40N, within decay time 30 seconds and it is degree of loss 0.1% or less, offer the collapse lock inside the buccal cavity which is superior in the taking impression. Being the collapse lock inside the buccal cavity which is produced < solution method > by dry granulation method, the collapse lock inside the buccal cavity to which the collapse lock inside the aforementioned buccal cavity has the medicine component and the silica, and sugar alcohol or/and the sugar.<課題> 従来技術では解決不可能であった、少量の水分で崩壊し速やかな崩壊時間と安定した錠剤の形態を保持することを特徴とする乾式造粒圧縮法によって製造された、硬度40N以上,崩壊時間30秒以内、摩損度0.1%以下である、服用感に優れた口腔内崩壊錠を提供すること。<解決方法> 乾式造粒法によって製造される口腔内崩壊錠であって、前記口腔内崩壊錠が医薬成分とシリカ、ならびに糖アルコールまたは/および糖を備える口腔内崩壊錠。