The object of the present invention is to provide an amino acid-containing composition for recovering muscle fatigue. Comprises an amino acid of the following (1) to (9), the (1) to (9) The molar composition ratio of the content of each amino acid relative to the total content of amino acids is within the numerical range of the following, muscle fatigue promoting recovery for amino acid-containing composition. (1) leucine 35-66% (2) isoleucine 5.0 to 15% (3) valine 5.0 to 15% (4) threonine 7.0 to 14% (5) lysine 8.0 to 16% (6) methionine from 2.0 to 10% (7) histidine 0.1 to 3.5% (8) phenylalanine 2.5 to 8.0% (9) tryptophan from 0.1 to 2.0%本発明の課題は、筋肉疲労を回復するためのアミノ酸含有組成物を提供することである。下記の(1)~(9)のアミノ酸を含み、当該(1)~(9)のアミノ酸の総含有量に対する各アミノ酸の含有量のモル組成比が下記の数値範囲内である、筋肉疲労の回復促進用アミノ酸含有組成物。(1)ロイシン 35~66%(2)イソロイシン 5.0~15%(3)バリン 5.0~15%(4)スレオニン 7.0~14%(5)リジン 8.0~16%(6)メチオニン 2.0~10%(7)ヒスチジン 0.1~3.5%(8)フェニルアラニン 2.5~8.0%(9)トリプトファン 0.1~2.0%