Process and device for shaping chocolate products solves the problem of shaping chocolate products spherical shape filled up with liquid filling and coated with solid chocolate. Till now, that has not been possible, because, connecting upper and lower halves of molds, leads to spillage of the liquid filling. That is solved so that the chocolate mass is poured into a mold (1) which is, than, connecting to the mold (2), which is plugged up by frame with plugs (16), and so connected molds (1) and (2) are to the axle (18), which chains (23) i (24) draws, so that the connected molds (1) and (2), are moved, rotated, and leaned, resulting in a uniform smear chocolate in a thin layer on the inner surface of connected molds (1) and (2) and to its curing, because the process occurs in cold tunnel. After that ,the frame with plugs is removed, and through the resulting apertures, the liquid filling is flowed in, and after that ,additional chocolate mass is poured also , which is than combined with previously poured and hardened chocolate mass, than cools and hardens, and thus obtain a spherical product with liquid filling, and solid chocolate shell.Postupak i uređaj za oblikovanje čokoladnih proizvoda rešava problem oblikovanja čokoladnih prizvoda loptastog oblika sa tečnim filom i čvrstim čokoladnim omotačem.To do sada nije bilo moguće jer pri sastavljannju gornje i donje polovine kalupa napunjenih tečnim filom dolazi do prosipanja tečnog fila. Ovo se rešava tako što se čokoladna masa za omotač ulije u kalup (1) koji se spoji sa kalupom (2) koji je zatvoren ramom sa čepovima (16), i tako spojeni kalupi (1) i (2) stave se na osovinu (18), koju lanci (23) i (24) vuku, pri čemu se tako spojeni kalupi (1) i (2) kreću, okreću i naginju, čime se postiže ujednačeno razlivanje čokoladne mase u tankom sloju po unutrašnjim zidovima spojenih kalupa (1) i (2), i do njenog očvršćavanja, jer se proces odvija u hlađenom tunelu. Zatim se ram sa čepovima (16) vadi i kroz tako nastale otvore ul