The invention relates to a method for inducing a homologous protection against the 4 dengue serotypes in a patient, comprising the sequential administration, to said patient, (i) of a dose of a vaccinal dengue virus of a first serotype and of a dose of a vaccinal dengue virus of a second serotype, and (ii) of a dose of a vaccinal dengue virus of a third serotype and of a dose of a vaccinal dengue virus of a fourth serotype, in which the vaccinal dengue viruses (ii) are administered at least 30 days and at most 1 year after administration of the vaccinal viruses (i).本發明係關於一種用於誘發對抗患者中4種登革熱血清型之同源保護之方法,其包含將下列物質連續投與該患者:(i)一定劑量的第一血清型之疫苗登革熱病毒及一定劑量的第二血清型之疫苗登革熱病毒,及(ii)一定劑量的第三血清型之疫苗登革熱病毒及一定劑量的第四血清型之疫苗登革熱病毒,其中在投與疫苗病毒(i)之後至少30天及至多1年投與疫苗登革熱病毒(ii)。