The present invention relates to a method for rearing a snake. More specifically, a treatment agent including natural components and fresh feed are provided, so a healthy snake is reared. Accordingly, a natural raw ingredient byproduct such as slough, skin, venom, and gall bladder is obtained, and a concentrate having good components and quality is extracted through dual boiling in an infrangible pottery, so an added value may be created. The method comprises: a first step of killing alive mice, classifying the mice by size, and rapidly refrigerating the same a second step of sorting the refrigerated mice by size, putting the same in a heating chamber, and thawing the same a third step of increasing body temperature of the mice by adding the mice in a thermokeeping container before adding the thawed mice in a feed container and a fourth step of adding the mice having increased body temperature in a feed container, or taking out and wasting previously fed feed.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016본 발명은 뱀의 양식 방법에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 천연성분의 치료제와 싱싱한 먹이를 제공하여 건강한 뱀을 사육하고 이로 인해 얻어진 뱀에서 허물, 껍질, 독, 쓸개 등의 천연원료부산물을 얻고 중탕으로 농축액을 추출함에 있어 깨지지 않는 옹기항아리를 제공하여 끓임으로써 좋은 성분과 질을 갖는 농축액을 추출하여 부가 가치를 획득할 수 있도록 하는 뱀의 양식 방법에 관한 것이다.