1. A method for remote determination of the necessary level of emergency medical care to patients, including the receipt of information about the symptoms of the disease, including information on heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature, and the adoption of the evaluation adequate level of emergency medical care decisions, depending on the degree of the severity of the patients condition, characterized in that for making decisions on the adequate level of emergency medical aid to the patient evaluated the severity of his condition, the probability of death, the whole range of variation of which from 0 to 1, the pre-shared by a number of sub-bands equal to the number of possible levels of care, and they assigned numbers in order of increasing probability that take as indicators of the severity of the patients condition, the computer controller of emergency medical aid stations form the database, containing not less than 5000 clinical cases by which determine the information content of all gradations of the main symptoms used to assess the indicators of severity the patients condition, such as heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature, respiratory rate, at the subscriber, which is the patient himself or the person watching him, communicates with the dispatcher emergency medical station by mobile phone, which through individual diagnostic post enter information about the heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and respiratory rate, and patient person picture taken by a camera phone, according to the1. Способ дистанционного определения необходимого уровня экстренной медицинской помощи пациентам, включающий в себя получение информации о симптомах заболевания, в том числе информацию о частоте пульса, артериальном давлении и температуре тела, и принятие решений по оценке адекватного уровня экстренной медицинской помощи, в зависимости от степени тяжести состояния больного, отличающийся тем, что для принятия решений об адекватном уровне экстренной медицинск