Шушпанов Иван Анатольевич (RU),Рыжко Николай Федорович (RU),Рыжко Сергей Николаевич (RU),Туктаров Ренат Бариевич (RU)
The proposed control device works sprinkler relates to agriculture, in particular to a sprinkling technique with telecontrol functions, and can be used in the control operation is not electrified propelled sprinklers type "Frigate" working in automatic mode, when cultivating different crops on the dispersed irrigated plots. The essence of the invention lies in the fact that in order to provide telemonitoring work sprinkler, set her cell phone, which at the request of the operator transmits information about the machine - running or idle. Telecontrol machine state is performed using a pressure sensor installed in the pressure line hydroprotection machine. If the pressure is present - the machine is running, if there is no pressure - the car is worth. The pressure sensor is connected through its membrane switch controls the sound generator connected to the cellular phone microphone. When the pressure present in the system hydroprotection sound generator produces a continuous signal frequency of about 1000 Hz in the absence of pressure - an intermittent signal with a period of about 1 second. This signal is connected to the microphone input of a cellular phone. To a cellular telephone device switched call for transmission over the cellular telephone operator information device programmed to autoraising tube and transmits the audio signal to the operator, on request. Last on the transmitted audio signal device judges the nature of the state of a sprinkler. The device operates in a pulsed mode and in standby mode consumes from the independent power supply current of a few milliamperes. The advantages of a sprinkler equipped with the proposed control device lies in the fact that the operator can monitor the operation of sprinklers in the dispersed irrigated areas, reacting in time to their emergency stop and downtime, and agricultural managers can monitor the performance of these machines from the workplace, which will increase the economic efficiency of the use of sprink