PURPOSE: Noodles in chilled soup(moolnaengmyeon) using ginseng root as a main material is provided to have medicinal effects of ginseng and to obtain excellent taste and flavor by including a mixed soup for nangmyun in which beef brisk soup and watery radish kimchi soup are mixed with a ratio of 1:1. CONSTITUTION: A method for manufacturing noodles in chilled soup(moolnaengmyeon) using ginseng root as a main material comprises the following steps: boiling ginseng root 20g per naengmyeon noodles 200g and water five cups(250mL), radish 30g, onion 1/4 side, green onion, ginger 1/2 side, two garlic, and one chili for five minutes; and manufacturing meet broth by adding one tablespoon of soy sauce and 1/2 tablespoon of salt. The moolnaengmyeon comprises slices of beef brisket, cucumber shreds, vinegar pickled radish slices 50g, hard-boiled egg slices, and the beef broth 400mL.본 발명은 별도 가공한 산삼배양근을 주재로 하는 산삼물냉면에 관한 것으로 식초수에 침지하였다가 탈수시킨 산삼 냉면사리 200g에 대하여 20g을 3㎝길이로 자른것에 완숙시킨 계란 1개, 소금으로 문질러 씻은 후 어슷하게 썬 오이채 1/4개분, 초절임한 무우를 편썰은 후 물 15mL, 소주 15mL, 소금 3g, 올리고당 1g을 혼합하여 침지한 다음 고추가루 5g을 첨가하여 버무린 무초저림편 50g, 겨자 1작은술, 식초1/2큰술, 양지머리편육 100g, 육수 250mL, 동치미국물 200mL로 구성되는 492Kcal의 열량을 가진 산삼물냉면을 제공한다.