The present invention relates to an efficient process to obtain a Saponin and Sapogenin rich extract from fruits of Sonalum genus plants. The process presents a rational consumption of raw materials and energy resources, including polarity modifying agents which facilitate extraction and purification processes, which in turn increases its efficiency. The obtained Solasodine glycosides have biological antitumor and antibiotic activity, and can be used as precursors for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, as active ingredients in medicinal compositions, cosmetics, veterinary products and bioproducts.L'invention concerne des saponines pures et des procédés pour fabriquer de telles saponines. L'invention concerne par ailleurs des compositions cosmétiques telles que des compositions de soin de la peau comprenant de telles saponines et des procédés pour améliorer la santé de la peau et son aspect au moyen de telles compositions de soin de la peau.