PURPOSE: A producing method of bean curd using rice containing a Lentinus edodes mycelium and Japanese apricot as coagulating agents is provided to prevent the usage of chemical coagulating agents.CONSTITUTION: A producing method of bean curd using rice comprises the following steps: soaking 1.5kg of rice and 3.5kg of soybeans in water(S1) crushing the water soaked rice and soybeans using a crusher(S2) mixing the crushed mixture with 20g of antifoaming agent and 80g of water(S3) filtering bean curd dregs from the mixture using a filtering device, and heating the obtained soymilk with rice at 95-102 deg C using steam(S4) adding 4g of 4g of Japanese apricot syrup, 200ml of Lentinus edodes mycelia, and 15g of salt into the heated mixture for coagulating(S5) crushing the coagulated mixture into the size of 4-5cm(S6) compressing the crushed mixture on a bean curd plate using a compressor(S7) and cooling the compressed bean curd using the rice, and cutting the bean curd into the predetermined size(S8).COPYRIGHT KIPO 2013[Reference numerals] (AA) &lsqb4 deg. C Standard&rsqb 2 hours for rice, 16-18 hours for soybeans (BB) Water soaked soybeans and rice (CC) Antifoaming agent and water mixture (DD) At 90-102 deg. C for 15 minutes (EE) Adding Japanese apricot and Lentinus edodes mycelia (FF) Crushing the mixture after 10-15 minutes (S1) Soaking process of the rice and the soybeans in water (S2) Crushing process (S3) Mixing process (S4) Filtering and boiling process (S5) Coagulating process (S6) Crushing process (S7) Compressing process (S8) Cutting process본 발명은 매실과 버섯균사체를 응고제로 이용한 생식용 쌀두부 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 콩과 쌀을 각각 불려주는 불림공정과, 불려진 콩과 쌀을 함께 분쇄기에 투입하여 미세한 상태로 갈아주는 분쇄공정, 분쇄된 콩과 쌀의 혼합물을 여과기를 통과시켜 비지를 걸러내는 여과공정, 그리고 남겨진 쌀/두유를 끓여주는 끓임공정, 가열된 쌀/두유에 응고제인 매실과 버섯균사체를 넣어 응고시키는 응고공정, 15분간 기다린 후 응고된 쌀/두유를 으깨어 주는 파쇄공정, 파쇄된 쌀두부를 압착시켜 주는 압착공정 등을 순차적으로 거쳐 매실과 버섯균사체를 응고제로 이용한 생식용 쌀두부를 제조하고자 함이다. 상기 쌀두부는 몸에 좋은 원료인 콩과 쌀을 주원료로 하며 나아가 응고제 또한 건강에 좋고 면역성증강에 우수한 물질로 알려진 표고버섯균사체 그리고 소화를 돕는 매실을 혼합하여 쌀/두유를