The present invention provides an intraocular pressure detecting device, which comprises a light module, a processor, and a pressure wave generator. The light module is capable of emitting a light beam to an eyeball and acquiring at least one light interference signal between a reflected light beam reflected from a cornea and a reference light beam. The light module electrically couples with the processor, which determines an intraocular pressure detecting area according to these light interference signals. The processor utilizes these light interference signals acquired by the light module to calculate the intraocular pressure.本發明涉及一種眼壓檢測裝置,其包含一光學模組以及一資料處理單元。該光學模組入射一光束至一眼球並擷取該光束經角膜反射後的反射光束與參考光束之至少一光干涉信號。該資料處理單元電耦合於該光學模組,該資料處理單元根據該些光干涉信號以決定一眼壓檢測區域,該資料處理單元利用該光學模組所擷取的該至少一光干涉信號推算該眼球內壓。10...眼壓檢測裝置20...光學模組30...資料處理單元301...類比數位轉換器302...微處理器