Present invention provides specially design of a Smart Duo- ThermoDrive: Self-Monitoring of body temperature device.A pendrive works as a thermometer to store the recordings of temperature as well as other biomedical parameters of the patient.We have proposed a device for self-monitoring of body temperature where-in we try to design a Duo-ThermoDrive for detecting the body temperature and store the reading in the pen drive cum thermometer. Duo-ThermoDrive can be used independently as thermometer as well as pen drive. But storing the periodic temperature readings leads to self-monitoring health recordings. The display attached to the Duo- ThermoDrive is associated with two options (may be a button). One option provides option for thermometer reading display and simultaneously stores in the pen drive. Another option displays the contents of the pen drive. The pattern of health recordings along with inputs from the user will be able to detect self-assisted health parameters. Following invention is described in detail with the help of Figure 1 of sheet 1 showingthe schematic diagram of the proposed invention.