1. A confectionery product comprising a body formed of layers made of sponge semifinished product consisting of a wheat flour / s, granulated sugar, melange, vegetable oils, skimmed milk powder, emulsifier, food soda, salt, food, and water located between two layer filling made of whipped candy mass consisting of sugars, agar, molasses, sorbic acid, egg protein, condensed milk, butter, vanilla and water, characterized in that the sponge cake mix, to perform layer further comprises invert syrup, glycerol, citric acid, potassium sorbate, molasses, alkalized cocoa powder, as well as vegetable oils - coconut oil, and an emulsifier - M03 Ester paste at the following ratios of starting components, wt. %: A whipped mass, to perform the filling layer further comprises an antioxidant "NovaSol COF», a protein in an egg - the egg white dry, as condensed milk - condensed milk with sugar in the following ratio of the starting components, wt. %: In this case the ratio of layers of semi-finished biscuit and a layer of the filling mass is whipped by weight. %: 2. A confectionery product according to claim. 1, characterized in that it further comprises a decor, located on the upper layer of biscuit semifinished product made of a semi dark porous confectionery mass comprising powdered sugar, cocoa powder, cocoa butter substitute, cocoa liquor, with the following ratio of initial , wt. %: 3. A confectionery product according to claim. 1 and 2, characterized in that the inlay of porous semi dark confectionery mass amounted1. Кондитерское изделие, включающее корпус, выполненный из слоев, изготовленных из бисквитного полуфабриката, состоящего из муки пшеничной в/с, сахара-песка, меланжа, масла растительного, сухого обезжиренного молока, эмульгатора, соды пищевой, соли пищевой, воды и расположенный между ними слой начинки, изготовленной из сбивной кондитерской массы, состоящей из сахара, агара, патоки, кислоты сорбиновой, яичного белка, молока сгущенного, масла сливочного, ванилина, воды,