FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: present invention relates to dairy industry. The method for production of a powdery cultured milk product or yoghurt involves the following stages: mass inoculation of a milk substrate with at least one S. thermophilus strain and at least one L. bulgaricus strain, lactic acid fermentation of the inoculated substrate, production of a powdery product at a temperature favourable for survival of the said strains and their increased content maintenance, drying the produced powdery product by way of at least one additional stage of drying at a temperature of 25-85°C till production of a product with Aw equal to 0.25 or less. The intermediate products and the end product produced during the said method implementation are characterised by enhanced content of the said S. thermophilus and L. bulgaricus strains. The food product contains the powdery cultured milk product or yoghurt and may be represented by a food filler.EFFECT: invention allows to produce a powdery cultured milk product or yoghurt that may be stored during at least 4 months at a temperature of 20°C without significant reduction of living and viable S thermophilus and L bulgaricus bacteria quantity additionally the product has enhanced folates content, the rate of lactic bacteria survival during passage through stomach equivalent to or higher that that typical of a regular yoghurt.37 cl, 11 dwg, 11 tbl, 13 exНастоящее изобретение относится к молочной промышленности. Способ получения порошкообразного кисломолочного продукта или йогурта включает следующие стадии: массовую инокуляцию молочного субстрата, по меньшей мере, одним штаммом S.thermophilus и, по меньшей мере, одним штаммом L.bulgaricus, молочнокислую ферментацию инокулированного субстрата, получение порошкообразного продукта при температуре, являющейся благоприятной для выживания указанных штаммов и их содержании в повышенном количестве и высушивание полученного порошкообразного продукта посредством по меньшей мере одной