Harvest being possible in off season, furthermore that harvest period is long, it offers with the continual bloom characteristic blueberry where also quality of the fruit is obtained with production method and this production method of the satisfactory blueberry. As for the production method of relating to this invention, after the flower bud forming of the blueberry where chilling requirement time is 100 - 500 hours, temperature of discernment period temperature condition of 1st process and after the blooming and below dormant introduction temperature it makes under hot condition than dormant introduction temperature, at the same time the long day condition for making the discernment period which is longer than the discernment period in the above-mentioned 1st process it includes with the 2nd process which is made a humidification condition.オフシーズンに収穫が可能で、しかもその収穫期間が長く、果実の品質も良好なブルーベリーの生産方法と、この生産方法で得られる連続開花性ブルーベリーとを提供する。本発明に係る生産方法は、低温要求時間が100~500時間であるブルーベリーの花芽形成後、明期の温度を休眠導入温度よりも高温の条件下とする第1工程と、開花後、休眠導入温度以下の温度条件、上記第1工程における明期よりも長い明期とする長日条件且つ加湿条件とする第2工程とを含む。