The present invention refers to a process using ceromer ed for the aesthetic covering of prefabricated steel chromium pediatric crowns. The invention also refers to the material and use thereof, where said material was previously applied in odontology for restoring dental pieces in adult patients, totally made of ceromer ed, such as incrustations made to measure and shape of the dental piece of the patient or for missing teeth in bridges or single teeth but never applied in pediatric uses, since the aesthetic aspect of the restoration in a dental piece was never taken into consideration, so that the present invention solving a medical, aesthetical and psychological issue in patients, which besides solving an aesthetical problem solves the self-esteem problem of the patient avoiding to be criticized by his physical dental aspect. The purpose of the invention is to replace pediatric crowns currently available on the market, which are uncovered and show the steel chromium, being function al but not aesthetic and some are aesthetic but do not use this material and much less this process, thus being not aesthetic and do not solving the psychological problem.Esta invención se refiere a un proceso de recubrimiento estético con cerómero ed para las coronas prefabricadas acero-cromo pediátricas. Y el material utilizado en esta invención, su uso, solo se aplicaba en la odontología para la restauración de piezas dentales en pacientes adultos, hechas totalmente de cerómero ed, tales como incrustaciones hechas a la medida y forma de la pieza dental del paciente o para dientes faltantes en puentes o individuales y no en usos pediátricos, ya que no se había tomado en cuenta el aspecto estético de la restauración de la pieza dental, por lo que la presente invención resuelve un problema médico, estético y psicológico de los pacientes, al solucionar su problema de ética, se soluciona el problema de autoestima y odontológico evitando ser señalado por su aspecto físico dental. El objet