The present disclosure is related to a manufacturing process for metal-free pediatric dental crowns. Moreover, the use of the DA1 ceromer material, since it had only been used in dentistry for the restoration of dental pieces in adult patients, made entirely of ceromer on metal or on a fiberglass shield. Also as custom made inlays and shape of the patient's dental piece or for missing teeth in bridges or individual and not in pediatric uses, since the aesthetic aspect of the restoration of the dental piece had not been taken into account. The present invention solves a medical, aesthetic and psychological problem of the patients, solving the aesthetic, self-esteem and dental problem, avoiding being identified by their dental-physical appearance. The object of the present invention is to provide a substitute for pediatric crowns that currently exist on the market, which do not have any coating leaving the chrome steel exposed. The latter, being functional but not aesthetic; those that manage to be aesthetic, do not use this material and not even this process, so they are not even a 100-percent aesthetic and do not solve the psychological problem.Esta invención se refiere a un proceso de elaboración de coronas pediátricas libres de metal. Y el uso de este material cerómero DA1, ya que solo había sido utilizado en la odontología para la restauración de piezas dentales en pacientes adultos, hechas totalmente de cerómero sobre metal o sobre un blindaje de fibra de vidrio y también como incrustaciones hechas a la medida y forma de la pieza dental del paciente o para dientes faltantes en puentes o individuales y no en usos pediátricos, ya que no se había tomado en cuenta el aspecto estético de la restauración de la pieza dental, por lo que la presente invención resuelve un problema médico, estético y psicológico de los pacientes, al solucionar su problema de estética, se soluciona el problema de autoestima y odontológico evitando ser señalados por su aspecto físico dental.