Obshchestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennostyu "RusKo"
Korkunov Andrej Nikolaevich,Коркунов Андрей Николаевич
FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the confectionery industry of the food industry and can be used in the production of confectionery products. Candy is proposed, which is a body formed of a wafer shell, covered with glaze on the outside and made in the form of two hemispheres, which are filled with sweet stuff and connected in pairs, formulation composition of the wafer shell includes flour and vegetable oil, granulated sugar, the formulation of the filling includes coconut oil, a dry milk component, sugar, salt, soy lecithin, one of the wafer half-spheres of the body is made with a flat bottom, the formulation of the wafer shell further includes corn starch, lecithin soy, salt food, sodium bicarbonate, ammonium carbonate, and as a vegetable oil – coconut oil, with the following ratio of components, mass%: corn starch 0.4–2.5 granulated sugar 0.7–1.3 soybean lecithin 0.4–0.9 coconut oil 0.3–0.6 food salt 0.2–0.4 sodium bicarbonate 0.1–0.2 ammonium carbonate 0.04–0.08 straight white wheat flour 37–42 water balance to 100, candy sweet stuff is made of a crumb of waffle semi-finished product, placed inside the case, and whole jerky large cranberry, and raw materials with the taste of apple and cinnamon, the formulation composition of the sweet stuff additionally includes coconut milk powder, vegetable fat, whey powder, liquid food flavors Cranberry and Apple with Cinnamon, as a dry milk component is used skimmed milk powder, with the following ratio of components, mass%: coconut milk powder 9.0–19.0 vegetable fat 34.0–42.0 waffle semi-finished product crumb 5.0–10.0 skimmed milk powder 5.0–8.0 whey powder 3.5–5.0 soybean lecithin 0.18–0.22 coconut oil 0.10–0.16 food salt 0.07–0.09 Cranberry flavor food liquid 0.07–0.09 Apple-cinnamon flavor food liquid 0.03–0.04 granulated sugar remaining to 100, at the same time, white glazed frosting is used and the crumbs are in the form of a crumb of waffle crispy, and the ratio in the formula for chocolates of w