КЛАРК Энтони Джеймс (US),ФРЕНЧ Джастин Эндрю (US),ДЖОРДЖ Ипен (US),ГРОВЕР Джули Энн (US),ТИВАРИ Рашми (US),ИЕП Грегори Ли (US)
1. A method for extracting an extract from the mixture of the extraction fluid and extract the volatile substance, wherein the mixture is recovered at an elevated pressure of the supercritical fluid, resulting in the extraction, comprising: a. contacting a mixture of the extraction fluid and extract the volatile substance with porous particles, enclosing a volume suitable for human consumption, porous particles have a pore size allowing diffusion of the extraction fluid mixture and extract into porous particles b. changing properties of the mixture and the extraction fluid to extract filling extract is separated from the gaseous extraction fluid, then the porous particles c. separation of gaseous fluid extraction from the porous particles and d. removing the porous particles filled extract the volatile substances from the containing obema.2. A method according to Claim. 1 wherein the porous particles have a pore size allowing diffusion of the extraction fluid mixture and extract into porous chastitsy.3. A method according to Claim. 1, where the change in properties of the mixture of the extraction fluid and the extract includes a pressure reduction applied to smesi.4. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein the extract is an extract of volatile veschestva.5. A method according to claim. 4, wherein the extract of the volatile matter is also a food extract, and porous particles containing extract chelovekom.6 suitable for consumption. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein the porous particles are porous particles of kremniya.7 dioxide. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein the extract is selected from the group consisting of aromatic substances, fragrances, flavors enhancers, aroma enhancers, flavor enhancers, antioxidants, vitamins, biologically active material:1. Способ извлечения экстракта из смеси экстракционного флюида и экстракта летучего вещества, где смесь извлекают при повышенном давлении из сверхкритического флюида, полученного при экстракции, включающий