Edible method to stabilize an emulsion of oil in water treated with UHT which comprises the step of mixing a vegetable Fat with the aqueous Phase, where the vegetable Fat contains more than 20% w / W of triglyceride trilaurina with respect to the total amount of triglycerides in the Fat emulsi; On; Preparation method; use; and Foodstuff.
The present invention relates to an oil-in-water emulsion for whipped cream and to a whipped cream obtained by whipping the emulsion. In particular, the present invention relates to a stabilized whippable oil-in-water emulsion upon increasing the trilaurin triglyceride content of its oily phase, and to the stabilized cream obtained by whipping the emulsion. The present invention further relates to the methods for obtaining this emulsion and this cream, and to the uses of an oil-in-water emulsion according to the invention or of the stabilized cream according to the invention.<;p>;UNA EMULSIÓ;N COMESTIBLE DE ACEITE EN AGUA TRATADA CON UHT O UNA EMULSIÓ;N COMESTIBLE DE ACEITE EN AGUA BATIDA TRATADA CON UHT, QUE COMPRENDE UNA GRASA VEGETAL QUE CONTIENE MÁ;S DEL 20% (P/P) DE TRIGLICÉ;RIDO TRILAURINA CON RESPECTO A LA CANTIDAD TOTAL DEL TRIGLICÉ;RIDOS EN DICHA GRASA, DICHA EMULSIÓ;N COMPRENDE ADEMÁ;S UN É;STER DE SACAROSA, EL CUAL CONTIENE MÁ;S DEL 70% DE MONOESTEARATO DE SACAROSA Y UN POLISORBATO. MÉ;TODO PARA ESTABILIZAR LA EMULSIÓ;N COMESTIBLE DE ACEITE EN AGUA TRATADA CON UHT O UNA EMULSIÓ;N COMESTIBLE DE ACEITE EN AGUA BATIDA TRATADA CON UHT, QUE COMPRENDE EL PASO DE MEZCLAR LA GRASA VEGETAL CON LA FASE ACUOSA, DONDE DICHA GRASA VEGETAL COMPRENDE MÁ;S DEL 20% (P/P) DE TRIGLICÉ;RIDO TRILAURINA CON RESPECTO A A CANTIDAD TOTAL JEL TRIGLICÉ;RIDOS EN DICHA GRASA.<;/p>;