The present invention relates to high-quality anchovy fermented sauce capable of increasing the amino acid content and shortening the fermentation period, and to a method for preparing the same. Salted anchovies are treated with protease, followed by hydrolysis at 25-30°C for 7-10 hours, thereby preparing an anchovy hydrolysate. Salted anchovies are added to and mixed with the obtained anchovy hydrolysate, followed by short-term quick fermentation for three months, thereby preparing high-quality anchovy fermented sauce, and then characteristics of the anchovy fermented sauce are investigated. As a result, the present invention has an excellent effect of providing anchovy fermented sauce with excellent quality, which has uniform product quality through short-term quick fermentation and can be quickly prepared and distributed without bad smells and feeling of irritation within three months.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016본 발명은 아미노산 함량이 증가되고 발효기간을 단축시킨 고품질 멸치액젓 및 그 제조방법에 관한 것으로 염장멸치에 단백질 분해효소(protease)를 처리하고 25 ~ 30℃에서 7 ~ 10시간 가수분해여 멸치 가수분해물을 제조하고 상기에서 얻은 멸치 가수분해물에 염장멸치를 첨가 혼합하고 3개월간 단기숙성 발효시켜 고품질 멸치액젓을 제조한 후 특성을 확인한 결과 단기속성 발효에 의해 품질이 균일하고, 잡냄새와 이물감이 없는 멸치액젓을 3개월 내 속성 제조하여 유통시킬 수 있는 우수한 품질의 멸치액젓을 제공하는 뛰어난 효과가 있다.