The refined coffee grounds and coffee oil can be effectively extracted from recycled coffee grounds by using the supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction. The extracted coffee oil contains at least one or more unsaturated fatty acids. It has various effects like antioxidation, skin-smoothing and UV-absorption which makes it an excellent cosmetic ingredient. The refined recycled coffee grounds, with its porous structure and low-oil-content characteristic, is a suitable cosmetic ingredient for all kinds of exfoliating and cleansing cosmetic products. In addition, the refined recycled coffee grounds can also be further processed by water extraction to obtain an extract which has an antioxidant effect and is suitable as a cosmetic ingredient.一種回收咖啡渣之萃取物及其製備方法,係利用二氧化碳超臨界流體萃取技術在低溫高壓下對從不同通路回收沖泡過之咖啡渣進行萃取,藉以分別獲得回收咖啡渣之油相萃取物及回收咖啡渣精製粉末。其中回收咖啡渣油相萃取物為至少含有一種以上的不飽和脂肪酸,具有潤膚、抗氧化及吸收紫外線之功效,可應用於化粧保養品及防曬品。而另一產物回收咖啡渣精製粉末為一多孔性結構且已除去油相成份,具有磨砂去除老廢角質及吸附油污之功效,可應用於洗髮、沐浴、潔顏等去角質相關產品。回收咖啡渣精製粉末可進一步進行水萃獲得水相萃取物,而其水相萃取物具有抗氧化功效,亦可應用於化粧保養品中。101‧‧‧通路回收之咖啡渣102‧‧‧乾燥步驟103‧‧‧粒徑分篩步驟104‧‧‧二氧化碳超臨界流體萃取步驟105‧‧‧回收咖啡渣油相粗萃物106‧‧‧離心分離步驟107‧‧‧回收咖啡渣油相萃取物108‧‧‧回收咖啡渣精製粉末109‧‧‧咖啡渣水萃步驟110‧‧‧回收咖啡渣水相萃取物