1. A method for improving the therapeutic effect in a patient with gastric cancer by the addition of bevacizumab to a chemotherapeutic regimen, comprising: (a) determining the expression level of neuropilin in a patient sample, and (b) administering bevacizumab in combination with a chemotherapeutic regime of the patient with a reduced level relative to the reference level neuropilin , certain patients with cancer zheludka.2. Method patient identification in vitro, corresponding to the addition of bevacizumab to chemotherapeutic regimen or sensitive to the addition, wherein said method comprises determining the expression level of neuropilin in the patient sample, which is expected to have cancer of the stomach or which has a propensity to disease gastric cancer, in connection with which a reduced level of neuropilin relative to a control level determined in patients with gastric cancer, is indicative of the patients sensitivity to the addition bevatsi umaba to said rezhimu.3. A method according to claim 1, wherein the result is a total vyzhivaemost.4. A method according to claim 1, wherein said therapeutic effect is progression-free survival zabolevaniya5. Process according to one of claims 1-4, wherein the cancer is gastric adenocarcinoma or gastric adenocarcinoma gastroesophageal soedineniya.6. Process according to one of claims 1-4, wherein said expression level of neuropilin detected with a method of immunohistochemistry (IHC) .7. Process according to one of claims 1-4, wherein said sample is selected from the group consisting of stomach tissue excision or biopsy zheludka.8 tissue. Process according to one of claims 1-4, wherein said chemotherapeutic regimen yavlyaets1. Способ улучшения лечебного эффекта у пациента с раком желудка путем добавления бевацизумаба к химиотерапевтическому режиму, включающий:(а) определение уровня экспрессии нейропилина в образце пациента, и(б) введение бевацизумаба в комбинации с химиотерапевтическим режимом пациенту с пониженным ур