CONSTRUCTIVE ARRANGEMENT APPLIED IN MOBILE EQUIPMENT FOR PRODUCTION OF CASSAVA FLOUR, INCLUDING THE ROOT WASHING AND PEELING PROCESS comprised of a main body formed from a mobile platform arranged on wheels, it is provided with a hitch, and on that platform are placed grater and crushers, sieve, oven, manual mechanical press and transport troughs, the grater / shredder having a receiving box with nylon / polyethylene roller balls and exchangeable saws supported on bearings, which empties into an outlet box, while the vibrating box driven by an electric motor connected through belts to a pulley, where the oven is driven by an electric motor that drives the eccentric system that causes the vanes to move through the pan, it consists of a chimney, the manual mechanical press with double column through which a champrão slides over the base, the washer and peeler formed by a cylindrical body ndrico with special peeling system, equipped with door and internally holds a shower for washing the root, said transport trough with casters and handle, the whole system is controlled by a generator group, driven by diesel engine, which generates power to the engines machines, it has a radiator cooling system, with sealed water system, automatic bleeding and electricDISPOSIÇÃO CONSTRUTIVA APLICADA EM EQUIPAMENTO MÓVEL PARA PRODUÇÃO DE FARINHA DE MANDIOCA, INCLUINDO PROCESSO DE LAVAGEM E DESCASCAMENTO DAS RAIZES compreendido por um corpo principal formado a partir de uma plataforma móvel disposta sobre rodas é provida de engate, sendo que sobre dita plataforma são dispostos raladores e trituradores, peneira, forno, prensa mecânica manual e cóchos de transporte, sendo o ralador/triturador dotado de caixa receptora com esferas de rolete em nylon/polietileno e serras trocáveis apoiadas em mancais, que desemboca em uma caixa de saída, enquanto a peneira de caixa vibratória acionada por motor elétrico ligado através de correias a uma polia, onde o forno é acionado a motor elétrico que acio