Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe nauchnoe uchrezhdenie "Tomskij natsionalnyj issledovatelskij meditsinskij tsentr" Rossijskoj akademii nauk ("Tomskij NIMTS")
Shtin Valentin Igorevich,Штин Валентин Игоревич,Novikov Valerij Aleksandrovich,Новиков Валерий Александрович,Gyunter Viktor Eduardovich,Гюнтер Виктор Эдуардович,Chojnzonov Evgenij Lkhamatsyrenovich,Чо
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to reconstructive-plastic surgery. Remove the damaged tissue and replace the resulting defect with a flap from the mobilized temporal muscle. In this case, after performing the main stage, an implant is installed to place the orbital wall defect in order to repair the walls of the orbit, made of titanium nickelide. After this, a temporal muscle is cut out through the separate access in the projection of the temporal and parietal bones boundaries. To do this, a horizontal cut of the soft tissues from the auricle towards the eyeball with a length of 5 cm is made. Temporal muscle is extracted through the access, then a tunnel is formed in the subcutaneous tissue from the incision in the temporal region to the incision on the face. Then unfold the temporal muscle for 90° and spend in the formed tunnel to the defect zone. After that, an implant is covered with a part of the muscle for prosthetics of the orbital walls, made of titanium nickelide, and the rest of the muscle is sutured to soft tissues in the region of the nose, and the mucosa of the upper lip is sewn with the lower edge of the muscle.EFFECT: method allows to eliminate the cosmetic defect of the middle zone of the face while preserving the functions of the upper and lower eyelids, the eyeball due to the formation of a stable framework for retaining the soft tissues of the face, reduce postoperative complications and improve the quality of life of patients.1 cl, 1 ex, 7 dwgИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к реконструктивно-пластической хирургии. Удаляют поврежденные ткани и замещают образовавшейся дефект лоскутом из мобилизованной височной мышцы. При этом после выполнения основного этапа на место дефекта стенок глазницы устанавливают имплантат для протезирования стенок орбиты, выполненный из никелида титана. После этого из отдельного доступа в проекции границы височной и теменной костей выкраивают височную мышцу. Для этого осуществляют