Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie nauki Federalnyj issledovatelskij tsentr khimicheskoj fiziki im. N.N. Semenova Rossijskoj akademii nauk (FITS KHF RAN)
Sergejchev Konstantin Fedorovich (RU),Сергейчев Константин Федорович (RU),Lukina Natalya Aleksandrovna (RU),Лукина Наталья Александровна (RU),Andreev Stepan Nikolaevich (RU),Андреев Степан Николаевич
FIELD: technological processes.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions can be used in agriculture, medicine and food industry. Method of activating water or aqueous solutions involves exposing the volume of treated water or aqueous solutions to plasma. Contactless activation is carried out. Water or aqueous solutions are exposed to a continuous electrodeless plasma flame 5, which is created by a UHF-plasmatron, which generates a low-temperature plasma jet in a vapor-gas medium at atmospheric pressure. Device for contactless plasma activation of water or aqueous solutions contains a flame UHF-plasmatron with a capacitive coupling, which includes magnetron 1, rectangular 2 and coaxial 3 waveguides. Coaxial waveguide 3 is hermetically isolated from rectangular waveguide 2 by radiotransparent quartz tube-insulator 8. Central conductor of coaxial waveguide 3 is a copper tube configured to supply plasma-forming gas and ends with a nozzle with hole of 1.5 mm to form a directed jet of plasma-forming gas. Working part of flame UHF-plasmatron is placed through seal into sealed chamber 9 containing vessel 11 with treated water or water solution fixed on rod-elevator 12.EFFECT: group of inventions provides contactlessness of plasma activation of water or aqueous solutions, enables to exclude ingress of electrode material into the activated liquid, provides high degree of purity of treatment and safety.6 cl, 3 tbl, 1 dwgГруппа изобретений может быть использована в сельском хозяйстве, в медицине и пищевой промышленности. Способ активации воды или водных растворов включает воздействие плазмы на объем обрабатываемой воды или водных растворов. Осуществляют бесконтактную активацию. На воду или водные растворы воздействуют непрерывным безэлектродным плазменным факелом 5, который создают факельным СВЧ-плазмотроном, генерирующим в парогазовой среде при атмосферном давлении направленную струю низкотемпературной плазмы. Устройство для осуществления бесконтактной плазменной активации воды или водн