The invention relates to a slightly alcoholic clear fermented beverage and to a process for preparing the same. According to the invention, the beverage has a content of 0.4...0.9 g/100 ml soluble protein substances, 3.9...4.6 g/100 ml carbohydrates, of which 2.8...3.6 g/100 ml sugars, as well as 1.4...1.7% alcohol, with crystalline clear appearance and light straw-yellow colour, floral fragrance and remanent sweet-sourish taste. As claimed by the invention, the process consists in mixing 5...7% germinated soy, 4...6% glucose and up to 100% water, thermally treating the resulted mixture by slowly increasing the temperature up to 90°C, by approximately 1.5°C/min and maintaining it for 1 h, fermenting the cooled sweetened must which is filtered with the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus subsp. marxianus at the temperature of 30°C for 20...24h or up to a pH of 3.8...4 with the fermentation interruption at the temperature of 4°C, followed by filtration, resulting in a beverage with a cloudiness of 0.055...0.165 units, expressed as the absorptivity value at a wave length λ of 700 nm.Invenţia se referă la o băutură fermentată limpede, slab alcoolică, şi la un procedeu de obţinere a acesteia. Băutura conform invenţiei are un conţinut de 0,4...0,9 g/100 ml substanţe proteice solubile, 3,9...4,6 g/100 ml glucide, dintre care 2,8...3,6 g/100 ml zaharuri, precum şi 1,4...1,7% alcool, cu aspect limpede cristalin, de culoare galben pai deschis, miros floral şi gust remanent dulce-acrişor. Procedeul conform invenţiei constă în amestecarea a 5...7% soia germinată, 4...6% glucoză şi până la 100% apă, tratarea termică a amestecului rezultat prin creşterea lentă a temperaturii până la 90°C, cu aproximativ 1,5°C/min, şi menţinere timp de 1 h, fermentarea mustului îndulcit răcit, care este filtrat cu drojdiala temperatura de 30°C, timp de 20....24 h, sau până laH-ul 3,8...4, cu întreruperea fermentării la temperatura de 4°C, urmată de filtrare, rezultând o băutură cu o turbiditate de 0,055