Murices Nail, Group of the box-like Ji vertebras fixing device , You Complex Number of Yi Seed Group close seat, nut, Luo He Pads and Zhi the Gong Tong Group of Agencies parts such as Shao mono- Even Rod spiral shells atOn the Ge Do vertebraes Festival of the murices Nail Fen Do Zhi Let such as The, and by the Agencies parts such as aforementioned nut, Luo He Pads with Will murices Nail be spirally connected Yu Group close seat, and The Deng Group close seat Ke Fen Do Pivot connect on Gu Yu Even RodTe Do are that the Tao Jie Group conjunctions Agencies of the Agencies Jian Inter Department Mining concave, convex spherical surfaces such as murices Nail, the Luo He Pads With nuts such as The makes, therefore the whole each Agencies Jian Inter Group close angles degree of Bian Yu Tone and orientation, thereby can each schools vertebrae Festival essences Quasi Tone positioning and fixing of Will, And Right vertebras, which are mentioned, helps branch Brace power for a Auxiliary.一種組合式脊椎固定裝置,由複數的骨螺釘、組合座、螺帽、螺合墊以及至少一連桿螺等構件共同組成;該等骨螺釘分別植設在各別脊椎骨節上,且藉由前述螺帽、螺合墊等構件以將骨螺釘螺接於組合座,而該等組合座可分別樞接固於連桿上;特別是該等骨螺釘、螺合墊與螺帽等構件之間係採用凹、凸球面的套接組合構造,因此便於調整各構件之間的組合角度及方位,藉此可將各脊椎骨節精準調校定位及固定,並對脊椎提供一輔助支撐力。