A method for determining the location of a rover unit with repsect to a boundary in an animal containment system using the polarity of a signal transmitted by a boundary wire of the animal containment system
A method for determining the location of a rover unit with respect to a boundary in an animal training system is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of: (a) defining the boundary using a wire to define an area within the boundary and an area beyond the boundary where one of the area within the boundary and the area beyond the boundary is designated as a permitted area and the other designated as a restricted area; (b) providing a rover unit to be worn by the animal; (c) generating an activation signal; (d) modulating the activation signal; (e) dictating polarity of the first carrier cycle of the plurality of carrier cycles for each data bit of the plurality of data bits; (f) emphasizing the first carrier cycle of the activation signal; (g) transmitting the activation signal by way of the wire such that the activation signal generates a magnetic field about the wire where the activation signal has a polarity within the boundary that is substantially opposite its polarity beyond the boundary; (h) storing at the rover unit information indicative of the polarity of the activation signal within the boundary and the polarity of the activation signal beyond the boundary; (i) receiving the activation signal at the location of the rover unit; (j) analyzing the polarity of the activation signal with respect to the dictated polarity to determine whether the polarity corresponds to the polarity of the activation signal within the boundary or the polarity of the activation signal beyond the boundary; (k) not delivering a stimulus to the animal while the modulation of the activation signal with respect to the information indicative of the polarity of the activation signal indicates the rover unit is in the permitted area; (l) delivering a stimulus to the animal when the modulation of the activation signal with respect to the information indicative of the polarity of the activation signal indicates the rover unit moved from the permitted area to the restricted area; and (m)