In the process for producing heat-treated wheat flour of the present invention, the wet heat treatment and the dry heat treatment are sequentially applied to the wheat flour. The wet heat treatment is preferably a treatment in which the atmosphere temperature in the airtight container is maintained at 100 to 130 C. and the atmosphere temperature is maintained for 3 to 60 seconds in the presence of wheat flour and moisture in the airtight container, Is preferably a treatment in which wheat flour subjected to moist heat treatment is subjected to contact heating at a product temperature of 80 to 150 C. for 1 second to 120 minutes while stirring in the closed container. It is preferable to adjust the particle size of the wheat flour subjected to the dry heat treatment to 200 m or less after the dry heat treatment.本発明の熱処理小麦粉の製造方法は、小麦粉に湿熱処理及び乾熱処理を順次施す。前記湿熱処理は、密閉容器内に小麦粉及び水分が存在する状態で、該密閉容器内の雰囲気温度を100~130℃とし且つその雰囲気温度を3~60秒間維持する処理が好ましく、また前記乾熱処理は、前記湿熱処理が施された小麦粉を密閉容器内で撹拌しつつ品温80~150℃で1秒~120分間間接加熱する処理が好ましい。前記乾熱処理後に、該乾熱処理が施された小麦粉の粒径を200μm以下に調整することが好ましい。