The chemical compound of the natural origin whose security is high is designated as the active ingredient, the blood current is promoted the gearwheel lap at the time of systematizing, basic tissue bud cell growth factor is induced at the same time the gearwheel lap in the systematic or alveolus bone, the gearwheel which breaking involution is done lap the medicine or eating and drinking item which possesses the function which regenerates the systematic or alveolus bone is offered the gearwheel lap with the illness. Adenine based nuclear acid compound independence or adenine based nuclear acid compound and the medicine or eating and drinking such as adenosine or AMP item which contains the polyphosphoric acid as the active ingredient.安全性が高い天然由来の化合物を有効成分とし、歯周組織において血流を促進し、かつ歯周組織または歯槽骨において、塩基性線維芽細胞増殖因子を誘導し、歯周病により破壊・退縮した歯周組織または歯槽骨を再生する機能を有する薬剤または飲食品を提供する。アデノシンまたはAMPといったアデニン系核酸化合物単独またはアデニン系核酸化合物とポリリン酸を有効成分として含有する薬剤または飲食品。