A method for growing horseradish is utilized to lay gravels on a planting area located in a greenhouse site on a general level ground, in which the laid gravels having a diameter sized from one to seven centimeters are treated by surface cleaning and internal sterilization processes, and the thickness of the laid gravel on the planting area is ranged between thirty to eighty centimeters. Pipes, fans and sensors, which are mounted above and around the planting site, are connected to an inductive control system. Horseradish seedlings, which are obtained from aseptic tissue culture, are planted on the gravel site and quantitatively sprayed with pure water at regular time by the inductive control system. With the continuous movement of cool gas flow formed by the blow of a fan, the planting site can be entirely maintained a temperature of 14-24 DEG C with 70-100% humidity, thus to form a nature environment featuring of wet, damp and cold conditions. Further, a formulated nutrient is quantitatively sprayed to the horseradish at regular time by the inductive control system, thus to grow the horseradish under a condition that is free from insects and harmful agricultural medicine with heavy metal components. The gravels used for growing the horseradish are cleaned and sterilized once the grown-up horseradish is cropped, and the cleaned and sterilized gravels are laid again on the planting area for growing use. Accordingly, the purpose of reusing the gravels in a short period of time is achieved.一種栽種山葵之方法,是在一般平地之溫室場地內的栽種面積範圍予以鋪設有礫石,其中礫石係為直徑在1-7公分,並經清洗表面及消毒內部,使其栽種場地所鋪設的礫石厚度係在30-80公分,而礫石場地上方及四周並架設有管路、風扇、感應器,使其連結到感應控制系統,再將經無菌組織栽培出的山葵育苗得以栽種在礫石場地中,配合感應控制系統以定時、定量地噴灑純淨水分,且在風扇吹動造成涼冷氣流的不斷移動情形下,是整個場地維持在14-24℃溫度及70-100%溼度、以形成如同處在具濕蔭且寒冷的天然環境,再由感應控制系統以定時、定量地噴灑經調配過的養料來供山葵在無蟲害、無重金屬成份農藥的條件中成長;待山葵在成長並予收成之後,得將原先已栽種過的礫石場地予以做清洗並消毒,之後使其重新鋪設以為再做栽種使用該場地,是達到短時間即可再利用栽種之目的。1‧‧‧管路2‧‧‧風扇3‧‧‧礫石4‧‧‧山葵