As for the polymer of natural feel, such as for example fiber or, when cotton and the wool which for example are based on keratin such as hair or skin applying to textile goods, the natural feel which the affinity whose are strong to tenderness and the natural fiber blends luckily is given, at the same time it is water soluble and is water tolerance. For example as for the said polymer monomer (-orehuin) it includes maleic anhydride alkyl semi- ester or complete acid, mareamin acid and the repetition unit of the maleimide, it is induced it is embodied by poly- ether amine, it becomes the mixed formulation of the carboxylic acid content chemical compound polymer according to need.自然感触のポリマーは、例えば毛髪または皮膚などのケラチンに基づいた繊維、あるいは例えば綿、毛糸などの織物に適用したときに、柔らかさと天然繊維への強い親和性が都合よく混じった天然の感触を与え、かつ水溶性であって水耐性である。該ポリマーはモノマー(例えばα-オレフィン)無水マレイン酸アルキル半エステルまたは完全な酸、マレアミン酸およびマレイミドの繰り返し単位を含み、ポリエーテルアミンにより誘導体化され、必要に応じてカルボン酸含有化合物ポリマーとの混合剤となる。