The invention relates to a refrigerated showcase with juice extractor meant to be used for producing natural juices from fruit and vegetables, and also for preserving in fresh condition fruit and vegetables used as starting material and the resulting natural juices. According to the invention, the refrigerated showcase with juice extractor comprises a refrigerated showcase (1) wherein the starting material is preserved, in the rear side of the showcase (1) there being an optional number of centrifugal juice extractors (2) for juice preparation, a conduit (11) for collecting the water for cleaning the extractors (2), at the middle part of each juice extractor (2) there being a pipe (3) with a slope to drain the juice, provided at the end with a plug and a nozzle (4) ending in the front side of the refrigerating showcase (1) where there is the serving grate (5) on which the glasses are arranged to be filled, in the rear side of the refrigerating showcase (1) there being as well a remote control (9) consisting of a pair of start and stop keys for each juice extractor (2) and a pair of keys for the switch on and off of an electric valve (8) which is used for cleaning the grate (5), being connected to the water (6) for washing all the elements which enter into contact with the juice.Invenţia se referă la o vitrină frigorifică având storcător, destinată producerii sucurilor naturale din fructe şi legume, precum şi pentru păstrarea în stare proaspătă a fructelor şi legumelor utilizate ca materie primă, şi a sucurilor naturale obţinute. Vitrina frigorifică având storcător, conform invenţiei, este constituită dintr-o vitrină (1) frigorifică în care este depozitată materia primă, în partea din spate a vitrinei (1) sunt amplasate un număr opţional de storcătoare (2) centrifuge, pentru prepararea sucului, o conductă (11) de colectare a apei de curăţare a storcătoarelor (2), la partea din mijloc a fiecărui storcător (2) este amplasată câte o ţeavă (3), cu pantă de scurgere a suc