The present invention relates to a composition for marinated grilled spareribs. In addition, the present invention provides a seasoning sauce for spareribs, which can eat high-quality marinated grilled spareribs having unique taste and unique flavor of spareribs, has apple flavor due to containing apple juice, and controls meat smell by decomposing and removing toxin in a body by malic acid, citric acid, and tartaric acid.본 발명은 돼지갈비 고유의 맛과 풍미를 갖는 고품질의 양념 돼지갈비를 먹을 수 있으며 사과즙을 함유하여 사과향과 사과산, 구연산, 주석산은 몸속에 쌓여 있는 독소를 분해하고 제거하는 작용하여 고기의 냄새를 잡아주는 돼지갈비 양념소스를 제공하는 것이다.