PURPOSE: Provided is a manufacturing method of ginseng acorn-starch jelly noodle for maintaining a shape of the noodle for long as the noodle is not easily disconnected and reducing the bitter taste by adding a ginseng powder in an acorn-starch powder. CONSTITUTION: An acorn-starch powder is obtained. An amount of a single portion of 100 g of the acorn-starch powder is mixed with 550 to 600 g of water and 2 g of dried ginseng, and allowed about 30 minutes to pass. A little bit of salt is added to the acorn-starch mixture and then boiled at a temperature of 100°;C while stirring the mixture. The boiled acorn-starch mixture sits without heating for 5 minutes. The acorn-starch mixture is then poured into a sheet pan and spread to have a thickness of 0.6 mm, and thus an acorn-starch jelly plate is made. The sheet pan is inserted to a cool air drier to dry the acorn-starch jelly at a temperature of 15 to 20°;C for 5 to 7 hours to reduce a moisture content in the acorn-starch jelly to be a half. The acorn-starch jelly dried in the cool air drier is cut in a shape of noodle, and then the noodle is marinated.본 발명은 건강에 이로운 인삼이 함유되고 뛰어난 건강식의 도토리묵 국수를 제조하는 인삼 도토리묵 국수 제조방법에 관한 것이다.본 발명은 도토리 전분을 100g에 물 550-600g과 건조된 인삼2g을 혼합하여 30분 정도 재워 두었다가 100oC의 온도에서 소금을 약간 첨가한 후 저어주고, 겔 형태가 되면 불을 끄고 5분정도 뜸을 들었다가 싯팬(sheet pan)에 붙고 0.6mm의 두께로 펼친 후 냉풍건조기에 넣고 5-7시간 동안 1/2로 건조시키며, 건조된 도토리묵은 적당한 크기로 가닥을 내어 인삼 도토리묵 국수를 완성하는 것이다.