The invention relates to an assembly for arranging plants vertically, with a built-in watering system, applicable to plants contained in plant pots (11), consisting of a framework with individual supports for plant pots, a water container provided with a trickler in the upper part, a support with a drainage collector in the lower part, and plant pots, used to carry water to the upper container where it passes through the trickler and falls to an inverted relief (8.1) in the body of the plant pot just below. From there, it is guided to an inner cavity (8.2) which finally allows the water to enter the plant pot. The excess water is ejected via a drainage opening with a conduit used as an extension and falls to the inverted relief of the plant pot directly beneath, in order to then repeat the process in the other plant pots. These elements create a supporting structure for arranging plants vertically, with a watering system that operates under gravity, without tubes or devices connected to the plant pots, and with means for storing and distributing the watering water, and for collecting the excess water or water drainage.Equipo para disponer plantas dé manera vertical, con un sistema de riego integrado y aplicable a plantas contenidas en macetas(l l), compuesto por un marco con soportes individuales para macetas, un contenedor de agua con un gotero en la parte superior, un soporte con un colector de drenaje en su parte inferior y macetas, que opera al llevar agua al contenedor superior donde pasa a través del gotero y cae a un bajo relieve (8.1) en el cuerpo de la maceta que esta justo debajo, desde allí es conducida a una cavidad interna (8.2) que finalmente permite el ingreso de agua a la maceta., el exceso de agua es expulsado por un orificio de drene con un conducto que sirve de extensión y cae al bajo relieve de la maceta inmediata inferior para repetirse el proceso en las restantes., Estos elementos crean una estructura de soporte para disponer plantas verticalme