The present invention allows livestock feed to be manufactured using corncobs which are discarded after the harvest of corn kernels or after the ingestion of corns, thereby promoting the demand and supply of a main material and simultaneously and remarkably reducing feed costs of livestock farms due to inexpensive production costs while stably supplying feed. A manufacturing method of the livestock feed comprises a washing step of removing foreign substances which are included in the main material and cannot be ingested by livestock; a drying step of drying the main material which has been washed so that the moisture content of the main material becomes 10% or less; a crushing step of cutting the main material which has been dried to a size of 2-3 mm so that the main material is easy for the livestock to ingest; a mixing step of uniformly mixing the main material which has been crushed to manufacture the feed; and a packing step of packing the feed completed through the mixing step in a fixed volume. The mixing step is characterized by mixing 60-90 wt% of corncob, which is the main material which has been crushed, and 40-10 wt% of molasses, coconut oil, coconut oil residue and rice bran ,which are auxiliary materials.본 발명은 옥수수 알맹이를 수확 후 또는 옥수수를 섭취한 후 버려지는 옥수수속대를 이용하여 가축용 사료로 제조함으로써 주원료의 수급을 원활하게 하면서 저렴한 생산원가로 가축을 기르는 농가의 사료비용을 대폭 절감할 수 있으면서 안정되게 사료를 공급할 수 있도록 한 것으로서;원료에 함유되어 가축이 섭취할 수 없는 이물질을 제거하기 위한 세척과정과, 세척된 원료를 수분함량이 10%이하가 되도록 건조하는 건조과정과, 건조된 원료를 가축들이 섭취하기 용이하도록 2 ∼ 3㎜의 크기로 절단하는 파쇄과정과, 파쇄된 원료를 고르게 혼합하여 사료로 만드는 혼합과정과, 혼합 완료된 사료를 일정한 용량으로 포장하는 포장과정으로 이루어지고;상기 혼합과정은, 분쇄된 주원료인 옥수수속대를 60 ∼ 90w%로 하고, 부원료인 당밀, 코코넛오일, 코코넛오일찌꺼기 및 쌀겨를 40 ∼ 10w%를 혼합하는 것을 특징으로 한다.