PURPOSE: A method of making animal feed additives is provided to use macsumseok with function for improving the metabolism of live stock and herbal medicine for better tastes. CONSTITUTION: A method of making animal feed additives comprises the following steps. Macsumseok is plasticized at a temperature of 1,000-1,150°;C in a rotary kiln. The maeksumseok material is pulverized into 5-1mm through the first, second and the third steps and mixed with water and pulverized into 200-300mm mesh through a pulverizer. The powdered maeksumseok is mixed with Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fischer, Agastache rugosa, aurantii nobilis Pericarpium, mori Folium and mixed with excipient, probiotics and vitamins with moisture remaining 50 by weight%. The size of the diameter is pelleted into below 5 mm. Maeksumseok, herbal medicine and excipient are mixed at a ratio of 1:1:1. The excipient comprises Asperhillus Oryzae and Lacto Bacillus. Vitamins are mixed with Vitmin A, E kc Ca and P. [Reference numerals] (AA) Collect minerals; (BB) Process the minerals(Remove foreign materials); (CC) Plasticizing process(1,000-1,100°;C - Average 3 hours); (DD) Pulverize Macsumseok(200-300mesh through first time to third time); (E1) Automatic mixer device(Mix entire materials); (E2) Macsumseok(33W/W%) + Oriental medicinal herb(33W/W%) + Excipient(33W/W%) + Probiotics(05W/W%) + Vitamin and mineral addition(0/5W/W%); (FF) Pelletize(10-60mm diameter of feed additives by livestocks); (GG) Drying process(Automatic temperature adjustment, 55°;C or less, within 48 hours); (HH) Package products by livestocks(20-100kg unit); (II) Keep in a freezer and transport(10°;C or less); (JJ) Supply stores and farms본 발명은 인체에 유익한 8 ~ 10 um정도의 원적외선을 발생하는 소성처리된 맥섬석과 면역성 증가와 폐사율 저하 및 육성율과 증체량 향상 그리고 육질개선 효과가 높은 한방제재(감초, 고삼, 곽향, 진피, 상엽)혼합물을 2차 가공처리된 사료첨가제(맥섬석과 한방제재 혼합물)를 생산하는 방법을 제공하고, 이 방법으로 생산되는 혼합 사료첨가제를 가축종류 및 성장단계에 따라 1일 사료급여량의 0.3 ~ 0.6 중량% 첨가급여하는 가축 사양 방법에 관한 것이다. 특히 이렇게 생산된 축산물(돼지고기, 닭고기, 계란 등)은 콜레스테롤 함량이 낮고 고유의