The present invention relates to the automatic scorpion venom extraction, itis a modular device allowingthe extraction of the scorpion venom in a safe, fast, efficient and continuousmanner without injuring thescorpion nor exposing the human life to high-risk situations when manipulatingthe scorpion or the venom,consequently ensuring a contamination-free substance.The scorpion will be permanently living inside a radio-frequency identifiablecartridge, during the wholeperiod of exploitation. The environmental data inside the cartridge ismonitored through sensors hostedwithin a multipurpose stimulation mechanism ensuring than the scorpion decentliving conditions andtraceability.All the processes are automated and computer-monitored, the device includes avenom collectingmechanism; a multipurpose stimulation mechanism based on electrical andmechano-acoustic vibrations,and a feeding mechanism based on the Venturi effect that directly propels aliving insect into thescorpion's space. All the mechanisms are linked via an interfacing board.