The present invention relates to a new entrails recipe and a device for cooking entrails, wherein the new entrails recipe provides entrails having not only more tender and soft taste but also perfectly removed unique bad smell and also having much improved taste and flavor. Here, the new entrails recipe comprises a entrails ingredients preparing step for preparing raw entrails by cutting the raw entrails into a regular size a foreign substances removing step for removing various types of foreign substances (fat mass, etc.) which adhere to the entrails an entrails washing step for removing the remaining foreign substances and smell by using water, salt, or flour an entrails maturing step for maturing the washed entrails with fruit juices of a lemon, kiwi, pineapple, and the like and other meat tenderizers for a predetermined time a garlic entrails making step for inserting a plurality of garlic pieces (a whole bulb of garlic) having a regular size into an internal whole of the matured entrails so as to make garlic entrails having garlic therein a low temperature keeping step for keeping the garlic entrails at a low temperature in a refrigerator compartment or freezing compartment for a predetermined time a pot-type biscuit firing step for performing a biscuit firing of the garlic entrails with charcoal fire in a pot which is a traditional pottery before supplying the kept garlic entrails to a consumer and a consumer table-top grill step for taking out the biscuit fired garlic entrails from the pot and allowing the consumer to grill the garlic entrails on a table and to eat the garlic entrails on the spot.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2015본 발명은 더욱 연하고 부드러우면서 쫄깃한 육질이 제공될 뿐 아니라 막창의 고유한 잡 냄새도 완벽하게 제거되고, 먹기도 좋으면서 향(풍미)과 맞 또한 크게 향상된 새로운 막창 조리법 및 그 장치에 관한 것이다.즉, 생 막창을 일정한 크기로 잘라서 준비하는 막창재료준비단계와 막창에 붙어있는 각종 이물질(기름 덩어리 등)을 떼어내는 이물질제거단계와 물과 소금 또는 밀가루 등을 이용해 잔류 이물질과 냄새를 제거하는 세척단계와 세척된 막창에 레몬, 키위, 파인애플 등의 과즙 및 기타 연육제를 묻힌 다음 일정한 시간 동안 속성하는 막창숙성단계와 숙성된 막창의 내부 통공에 일정한 크기의 마늘(통마늘) 다수개를 삽입하여 마늘이