The present invention includes about 75 to about 95% of one or more functional proteins, and from about 5 to about 25% other food (comestible) raw materials, the functional protein is from about 40 to about 95% of surimi, providing about 0 to about and a functional protein is not a 55% of one or more of surimi, imitation meat chunks have the appearance and texture of a real fish (fabricated fish chunks). The imitation fish chunks have the appearance and flaky texture of soft and smooth layered similar to real meat. .BACKGROUND本発明は、約75~約95%の1種又は複数の機能性蛋白質と、約5~約25%の他の食品用(comestible)原材料とを含み、前記機能性蛋白質が、約40~約95%のすり身と、約0~約55%の1種又は複数のすり身ではない機能性蛋白質とを含む、本物の魚肉の外観及びテクスチャを有する模造魚肉チャンク(fabricated fish chunks)を提供する。この模造魚肉チャンクは、本物の魚肉と類似した柔らかく滑らかな層状の外観及びフレーク状のテクスチャを有する。【選択図】なし