Obshshestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennostyu "BioNova"
Komlev Vladimir Sergeevich,Комлев Владимир Сергеевич,Fedotov Aleksandr YUrevich,Федотов Александр Юрьевич
FIELD: ceramic industry.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to production of ceramic materials for bone defects replacement in orthopaedics, dentistry, maxillofacial surgery, neurosurgery, oncology. Disclosed is a method of producing ceramic material of the following phase composition: 80-100 wt% of octacalcium phosphate, 0-10 wt% of hydroxyapatite, 0-10 wt% of α-tricalcium phosphate, involving the following steps: 1) transformation of ceramic material with the phase composition of 100 wt% α-tricalcium phosphate into dicalcium phosphate dihydrate in A solution and, with the weight ratio of α-tricalcium phosphate and A solution of 1:100 and the temperature of 35±1 °C 2) transformation of the material obtained at the previous step into the final product in B solution with the weight ratio of material obtained at the previous step and B solution of 1:100 and the temperature of 35±1 °C. A solution used is in fact a buffer solution, which is the water solution of 1.5 M of sodium acetate and 0.15±0.02M of glutamic acid conditioned by orthophosphoric acid to the pH value of 5.5±0.1 B solution is a buffer solution, which is the water solution of 1.5 M of sodium acetate with the pH value of 8.7±0.1. Also disclosed is a ceramic material obtained with the use of the said method.EFFECT: group of inventions enables to obtain ceramic materials (including granules, blocks, coatings for implants) based on OCP at physiological temperatures, while keeping dimensions and macrostructure of the initial ceramic material α-TCP.12 cl, 1 tbl, 12 ex, 4 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к области изготовления керамических материалов для замещения дефектов костных тканей в области ортопедии, стоматологии, челюстно-лицевой хирургии, нейрохирургии, онкологии. Предлагается способ изготовления керамического материала фазового состава: 80-100 масс. % октакальциевого фосфата, 0-10 масс. % гидроксиапатита, 0-10 масс. % α-трикальцийфосфата, включающий следующие этапы: 1) трансформация керамического