disposable absorbent garment article and method of manufacturing the same method of making a disposable diaper in which the position of an absorbent core does not make it out of alignment with the center of a pair of elastic leg members. the method includes a process for manufacturing a leaf member (p1), a joining process (p2), and a cutting process (p3). in the manufacturing process of the leaf member (p1), elastic members are attached, while being stretched, to the leaves continuously supplied in the machine direction (md), and thus forming the rear side and belly side leaf members (20, 30). in the joining process (p2), absorbent (absorption) panels (4) are attached to the side of the belly and the leaf members of the rear side (20, 30) at constant intervals. each absorbent panel (4) has a pair of elastic members between legs (42) mounted, while stretched, on the absorbent panel (4) so as to extend along the elongated opposite sides of a rectangular shape of the absorbent panel (4) and further having an absorbent core (5) joined to the absorbent panel (4) so as to be symmetrically around an imaginary line forking the distance between the pair of elastic members between legs. in the cutting process (p3), the rear side sheets and the side of the belly (2,3) in which the absorbent panels are joined and cut.artigo do vestuário absorvente descartável e método de fabricação do mesmo método de fabricação de uma fralda descartável na qual a posição de um núcleo de absorção não a torna desalinhada do centro de um par de membros elásticos da perna. o método inclui um processo de fabricação de um membro folha (p1), um processo de junção (p2), e um processo de corte (p3). no processo de fabricação do membro folha (p1), is membros elásticos são unidos, enquanto sendo estirados, às folhas continuamente supridas na direção de máquina (md), e assim formando membros folha laterais traseiros e lateral da barriga (20, 30). no processo de junção (p2), painéis absorventes (de absorção